Everything combined: How an advertising portal simplifies local marketing

Companies that engage in local marketing and work with sales partners in different locations often use many different promotional items to spread their brand message and address the local target group. The central marketing department must always maintain an overview of all print and online advertising materials and control which sales partners use which promotional items for which purposes.  

An effective tool for coordinating these marketing activities and maintaining an overview of all marketing materials is an advertising portal. But what exactly is behind this term and how can it help decentralized companies in local marketing?

What is an advertising portal?

An advertising portal, also known as marketing portal, is a central online platform on which companies provide their sales partners with various advertising materials such as flyers, brochures, banners and many other marketing items and manage them. Sales partners have access to a wide range of marketing resources, can customize them independently or book them directly and no longer have to contact the marketing headquarters individually to order advertising materials.  

An advertising portal also combines the different forms of advertising, such as print and online, so that all the necessary marketing materials can be found in one place. In addition, an advertising portal often also offers various reporting options so that the success of the individual advertising media can be precisely monitored and taken into account in the future marketing strategy.

Advantages of an advertising portal for decentralized companies 

An advertising portal offers numerous advantages for companies with a sales partner network. Firstly, by managing advertising materials centrally, companies can ensure that all marketing materials are uniformly designed and that the brand image is represented consistently and in accordance with company guidelines and corporate design specifications. Secondly, the advertising material portal saves time by allowing the marketing team to provide standardized materials in one portal instead of processing individual requests from sales partners. The sales partners can then independently adapt some of the advertising materials provided to their specific needs, for example by adding local contact details or adapting the texts. This enables flexible use of the materials depending on the regional target group. 

Overall, advertising portals promote collaboration between the central marketing team and sales partners, as they provide a common platform for the creation, approval and provision of marketing materials, coordination loops can be reduced and the company has more time available for strategic tasks. 

Which advertising materials can be integrated into an advertising portal?

In marketing today, companies have many, very different ways of approaching customers and interested parties and convincing them of their own products, services and campaigns. The range of advertising media that can be integrated into an advertising portal is therefore almost unlimited.  

Some possibilities are, for example:

  • Print products: Flyers, brochures, posters, business cards 

  • Online media: e-mail templates, SMS, landing pages  

  • Promotional items: Ballpoint pens, mugs, USB sticks, textiles 

  • Video: Advertising films, digital signage, cinema spots 

  • Advertising technology: advertising banners, trade fair stands, perimeter advertising 

  • Social media: Ads and postings for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram & Co. 

Find out more about the effective use of advertising media here

Final Words

The introduction of an advertising material portal helps companies with a decentralized sales network in many areas. Companies can save time and money by centrally managing and providing marketing resources. Local sales partners benefit from quick and easy access to a wide range of advertising materials, which they can often adapt flexibly to their regional needs. The integration of various advertising media, from print products and online media to promotional items and social media content, makes the advertising media portal a comprehensive tool for local marketing. As digitalization progresses and the variety of marketing channels increases, the advertising media portal will continue to play a crucial role in helping businesses communicate their brand message effectively and consistently to local audiences.  

Get to know the Local Brand X marketing portal and learn more about the possibilities to optimize your local marketing!

Carolin Klein
Carolin Klein

Marketing Managerin

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