Defy the cross-media challenges with Web-to-publish

Defy the cross-media challenges with web-to-publish

The days when it was enough to only do offline marketing and distribute printed information material at events are a thing of the past. The media world is now strongly cross-media. Customers no longer only get information in a targeted manner, but are showered with information about new products and companies in all situations. On the way to work alone, potential prospects can be reached in many different ways. Be it on the large-format poster next to the stop, the info screen in the subway or through social media and websites on the smartphone.

Navigation in the cross-media media landscape

Coordinating all these platforms and marketing options and conveying a uniform picture can be a major challenge, especially in decentralized marketing. Web-to-publish systems link the production of marketing material directly with its distribution. In this way, the advertising material can be created and adapted on a platform and can often be distributed directly in the next step. By integrating different partners, print products can be created and printed in the same way (classic web-to-print), as can digital advertisements and social media posts. By merging all offline and online advertising measures into one system, web-to-publish offers a good basis for communicating uniformly on all channels.

Shine individually

Most web-to-publish systems are designed to personalize the documents and advertising material and adapt them for your own everyday life. This makes it perfect for implementing decentralized marketing strategies that refer to their products and address customers in many local areas without losing sight of the company's corporate identity. The systems offer the possibility of centrally controlling which content of the material can be personalized and individualized. Another important point is checking the data. By uniting in one system, it can also be made possible that the content is checked again before it can finally be published.

Short distances - quick success

However, the publication and booking of the measures is not directly integrated in all web-to-publish systems. Only about a third of providers currently offer the option of booking online measures through the system and having them published by the service partner. However, it is this integration that makes the concept so promising and time-saving. Due to the significantly shorter listing times and the direct publication, the correct use with web-to-publish can result in significant time and cost savings.

All-round carefree package: marketing portal

Marketing portals are ideal for optimally utilizing these advantages of personalization and local adaptation as well as fast commuting. They have all the described properties of the web-to-publish system and also include in-house systems (e.g. DAM, ERP or CRM system). Own databases such as picture galleries or address lists can thus be used and processed directly. In addition, the portals offer the possibility to inform about the design guidelines and to communicate directly with the local partners. This handling also makes it possible to present yourself at the local level in the best possible way in everyday cross-media life.


Yannik von Local Brand X
Yannik Bockius

Managing Director

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