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The purchasing office of German iron dealers, E/D/E for short, is Europe's largest purchasing and marketing association for retailers in the tools, machines, construction elements, sanitary, steel and industrial technology sectors. With its merger, E/D/E supports more than 1000 medium-sized companies. As partners, retailers can purchase marketing materials such as catalogs and brochures for their own customers from E/D/E in addition to the products.
This is a large partner network that in the future will be able to create and produce individual product brochures for its own target group via Local Brand X's Local Marketing Platform. The platform helps the partners to print their own marketing materials and to select individual offers and products from the large range of E / D / E and to bring them to the fore. Local Brand X supports E/D/E and its partners in advertising much more individually and efficiently at the local level.
The E/D/E is the link between its own members, i.e. medium-sized trading companies, and its contract suppliers. This link guarantees secure concepts in the range, logistics and service. E/D/E provides its members with brochures to advertise the range, which previously could be individually designed and ordered using a complex process. With the help of the Local Marketing Platform, the members can now create these product brochures independently according to their own needs with just a few clicks. E/D/E uses the Local Brand X role system to select which products and product groups are important for the respective partner and which data are made available to them. For the creation of the prospectus, the partner can choose the size of the prospectus (number of pages). He decides which contact details and which individual products are shown with their own prices. However, the information about the products, such as the product description or image, is implemented directly via the system.
All product information such as article description, product image, order or article number, etc. are available in a database to which the Local Marketing Platform has access. The partner can select the product based on the name or the identification number and all further information is automatically added to the prospectus. However, the price can be set individually. You can also add your own products that are not stored in the database when creating the prospectus. Using the various layout templates, you can create a completely individual brochure with the specially selected products and your own logos and contact information.
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