Efficient campaign planning with a campaign configurator

Competition for visibility and market presence is constantly increasing, especially for decentralised companies with a network of sales partners in today's business world. To counteract this pressure, a carefully thought-out marketing strategy is essential. Marketing campaigns that are precisely tailored to the local target group can lead to success and better local visibility for your brand.  

Find out in this article how you can use a campaign configurator to develop, distribute and implement an effective marketing campaign to bring your brand to the fore. Among other things, support your partners with personalised campaigns that are perfectly tailored to the needs, behaviours and interests of local customers. 


What is a campaign?

A campaign is a combination of different marketing measures to spread a consistent message or market a specific action.

It is possible to combine a wide variety of marketing activities and thus address a particularly broad target group or generate as many touchpoints as possible with interested parties. Cross-media marketing campaigns can combine actions such as email marketing, configuring and printing flyers and brochures as well as video and social media measures. You can also plan campaigns that only utilise one specific type of media (e.g. email campaigns, social media campaigns).

When planning a campaign, different objectives can be pursued, such as general awareness of the company or the launch of a new product. Different types of marketing campaigns are available depending on the objective. Event campaigns, for example, are used to promote events such as trade fairs, conferences or webinars. Seasonal campaigns are designed to maximise sales during certain seasons or holidays. This is particularly useful for special offers, public holidays or themed advertising materials.  

The planning, selection and implementation of such marketing campaigns can be very complex and time-consuming due to various influencing factors. It is important to precisely analyse the target group, define objectives and establish consistent messages and content for the campaign. In addition, the budget and schedule must also be coordinated and continuously monitored in order to maximise effectiveness. 


What is a campaign configurator? 

A campaign configurator can be a valuable aid for conceptualisation and implementation if a marketing campaign is to be taken up and carried out not only by the head office but also by individual sales partners. In decentralised companies where marketing activities are spread across different locations and sales partners, a configurator helps to plan and implement marketing campaigns efficiently.

Thanks to centralised management, campaign strategies, materials and schedules can be provided in a uniform and coordinated manner.

Another feature of the configurator is its user-friendly interface and the ability to create and personalise marketing materials using ready-made templates. This enables sales partners with less marketing expertise to plan, create and implement campaigns.

With the integrated templates, materials such as emails, social media posts and adverts can be configured quickly and easily. This not only saves time and approval loops, but also promotes the consistency of brand messages across different channels.

Integrated analysis tools allow you to monitor and analyse the performance of local campaigns. Important key figures such as conversion rates or reach can be analysed depending on the marketing measures used in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign and identify optimisation potential. This enables continuous improvements that increase the success of individual marketing campaigns in the long term.  

What advantages does a campaign configurator offer?  

A campaign configurator offers your company and your partners a variety of benefits that improve both the efficiency and the quality of your marketing strategies and campaigns.

By using pre-defined templates, you can ensure that all advertising measures and campaigns produced adhere to your company's corporate design and defined advertising messages, while still giving your partners the opportunity to configure and personalise their own content. In addition, the use of such a tool can help you to organise marketing measures more quickly and efficiently. By eliminating approval loops, your sales partners can create and implement efficient and up-to-date local campaigns. Using integrated analysis tools, you and your sales partners can then directly analyse the success of this campaign and the individual measures and use the findings for the further planning of marketing campaigns.    

  • Compliance with the corporate design and advertising messages   

  • Fast and efficient design of marketing campaigns and measures  

  • Simple evaluation of results using analysis tools  

If you would like to find out more about using a campaign configurator and how it can support your company and your partners, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to explaining more about its use in local marketing. 

Sophia Moebs

Marketing Managerin

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