fitbox Local Marketing Platform

fitbox relies on Local Marketing Platform: How the franchise company automates its marketing processes

The year 2021 has started and most of the shops and services in Germany are still closed. Fitness studios have also been among the losers since the beginning of the corona pandemic. Closed studios, new hygiene regulations and distance regulations are not only a major challenge for customers, but also for operators. The franchise company fitbox, which offers EMS training at various locations in Germany and Austria, made good use of the lockdown time and optimized marketing processes in order to provide local partners with all available advertising material quickly and effectively. Regardless of whether it is new team shirts, business cards or displays and posters for the studios, with the Local Brand X Local Marketing Platform, partners can create and order advertising material quickly and effectively without waiting for approval loops or manual processes.

Marketing automation for local partners

The Local Marketing Platform is particularly suitable for companies that work with local partners or for franchise companies that have branches in different locations. The platform helps to provide the partners with all the necessary marketing materials and to make them available quickly and efficiently. The partners can use templates to make individualizations and create their own personalized advertising material as well as obtain finished marketing materials in a shop system. Thanks to the direct connection to service providers, the products can be produced, fulfilled or published immediately. Many marketing processes, including billing and payment for product orders, run automatically and efficiently without having to rely on manual coordination processes and approvals.

Strengthened from the crisis

At fitbox, too, orders for advertising material were done manually in the past and had to be processed by the central marketing department. Fitbox has been using Local Brand X's Local Marketing Platform for this purpose since the beginning of December. Every operator of a fitbox studio can now use the platform to select the necessary materials such as clothing, advertising material such as posters or displays and brochures and order them directly. Individualizations such as business cards and appointment cards that are created individually for your own studio can also be produced directly via the platform. Thanks to the direct connection of service providers such as Flyeralarm, the products are printed immediately and then delivered to the correct location. This means that around 80 partners and users of the platform can use the time that the studios are unfortunately still closed to prepare for the coming year and start targeted marketing campaigns. In the future, further customizable marketing media and general extensions with regard to digital advertising media are planned. This modular structure of the Local Brand X platform makes it the ideal companion for dynamic companies like fitbox.


Nisa Wielvers
Nisa Wielvers

Marketing Managerin

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