The new Local Brand X Website

From “Marketing Portal” to “Local Marketing Platform”: The Local Brand X Relaunch

Have you noticed yet? The environment of this article and the entire magazine looks a little different than usual. We have decided to optimize our online presence this year and to rename the well-known “Marketing Portal” to “Local Marketing Platform”.

New name - new structure

When choosing the name “Local Marketing Platform”, it was important to us to emphasize that we are increasingly specializing in support in local marketing. Most of our customers use the system to support their own partners in local marketing, to provide them with marketing materials and to create a uniform platform for the entire partner network. In addition, our modules have been restructured and divided into four overarching areas: print, online, social media and video. This division is optimally adapted to the changes in the media and marketing world and makes it easier for our customers to put together an ideal individual offer for their partners. Nothing will change for our existing customers.

The figurehead: the new website

In order to reflect the innovations not only in terms of content and structure of the Local Marketing Platform, our website was also updated, revised and relaunched at the same time. It is particularly important to us to present the new and proven content and functions of our software solution in a clear and appealing manner. With new illustrations and short explanatory texts, you can find comprehensive information here about the various areas of the Local Marketing Platform and generally about trends in local marketing. The website should help us to convey the clear focus on local marketing and partner support and to embody the Local Brand X brand image.
Click through and discover the new areas and content. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions.


Yannik von Local Brand X
Yannik Bockius

Managing Director

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