Marketing service in companies with many sales partners

Marketing service in companies with many sales partners

Companies with a large team of sales and distribution partners entail major coordination processes in all areas of the company. Be it introducing new products or services, contacting the team, training partners on various topics or doing local marketing. In order to design exactly this type of advertising as target-oriented, effective as possible, but also uniformly according to the corporate design, it is advisable to offer the marketing-driving, local partners a certain marketing service. This service ideally offers opportunities for a wide variety of promotional items and measures and means that the partners can advertise specifically, individually and tailored to local customers even without prior marketing know-how. This can strengthen sales in the long term and build better customer loyalty to the company.

Marketing mix in partner marketing

In order to support the local partners in their marketing, the production of advertising measures is an important part of the collaboration. The central marketing department is the first point of contact for local partners when it comes to their own advertising. In addition, most companies are anxious to act locally, but nevertheless to position themselves as a uniform brand with customers. This happens not only in the classic print way, with promotional items such as brochures, flyers and advertisements, but also online, as a newsletter, on social media or multimedia. A sensible marketing service offers your team the opportunity to build up your local marketing as cross-media as possible and to use topics like search engine optimization (SEO) or online business directories. In addition, the services usually extend not only to the pure provision and processing of advertising measures, but also include the provision of campaign and budget plans as well as advertising subsidies that can be invested in new advertising campaigns. In addition, most services offer the option of contacting your own partners, controlling communication and pointing out news and promotions.

Targeted marketing service for local partners

Many marketing centers rely on external support so that they can do justice to the entire team of sales and distribution partners and offer the necessary services. This can be done in terms of content support from an agency and through the use of the right software to distribute the content or a combination of both. The agency supports the marketing service with services such as creating promotional items, planning marketing strategies and new campaigns (such as social media, SEO, etc.). This is particularly suitable for companies that have no or only a very small central marketing department and that need support with the content conception and design. Often, however, it is not the content that makes the marketing service a challenge, but the distribution and adaptation to the individual branches and partners. Software systems such as a marketing service portal can help here. On this portal, promotional items are created for editing, and campaigns and agreements are published and approved for the various partners.

Local partners and the corporate design

In addition to providing the marketing and budget plans, uniformity is also an important issue in partner marketing. Due to the large number of partners, different locations and different knowledge in design and implementation, services that work based on templates are available. The promotional items are made available as templates for editing. The partners can then edit these articles and adapt them to their local customers and marketing projects. Thus, the local advertising is carried out individually, but still uniform. The corporate design, i.e. the correct use of logo, colors and fonts, can be guaranteed by this way of working. In addition, all partners can intuitively create and edit articles and are solely responsible for their own advertising. The partners can edit these articles directly and add their personal details and then order or book the promotional articles directly via the marketing service portal. Each partner has the opportunity to access all marketing options and the entire service and to expand their local marketing mix. There is also the option of distributing advertising subsidies directly in the system and publishing plans for campaigns and budgets as well as gaining a general overview of the activities of the individual partners.

Is such a marketing service portal also interesting for you? Talk to us and get in touch.


Yannik von Local Brand X
Yannik Bockius

Managing Director

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