Local Brand X marketing platform for Pirelli and Driver in Germany

The Italian tyre manufacturer Pirelli is known worldwide for the production of high-quality tyres for cars, motorbikes and bicycles, which are developed in cooperation with many well-known vehicle manufacturers. As a subsidiary of the globally active Pirelli Group, Pirelli Deutschland GmbH produces car and motorbike tyres for the high- and ultra-high-performance segment and brings them to the consumer through numerous dealers, shops and workshops. In order to keep track of all the local marketing activities of the dealers, Pirelli has decided to enter into a partnership with Local Brand X. Local Brand X is a well-known automotive service provider.
One of the most well-known automotive service providers offering Pirelli tyres is Driver Reifen und KFZ-Technik GmbH, a subsidiary of Pirelli Deutschland GmbH. Customers can purchase, repair, fit and replace their tyres at the branches. With more than 200 Driver workshops in 195 cities, the head office of Driver Reifen und KFZ-Technik GmbH has a lot of work to do in maintaining local marketing activities. To give dealers the freedom to customise and order their own marketing materials, Driver has also decided to work with Local Brand X.
We are pleased to have won two well-known companies, Pirelli and Driver, as customers and to start an exciting and multifaceted cooperation together.

Wide range of marketing activities

The Local Marketing Platform offers Pirelli's retail partners and Driver shops a wide range of possibilities to customise their marketing products. With Pirelli's Local Marketing Platform, these range from classic print products such as business cards, large posters or print ads, to online advertising such as Google ads or Facebook and Instagram posts, to customised workwear. Marketing campaigns can also be carried out via the Local Marketing Platform. 
Those responsible in Driver branches have access to promotional material for their outlets as well as to various training courses. New forms of advertising will soon be added to the portal, including the possibility to place advertisements with a booking function.  

Two brands combined in one system

For both the Pirelli brand and the Driver brand, different types of items and advertising options are available to users on the Local Marketing Platform. For example, Pirelli dealers can order posters and workwear for car dealerships and Driver dealers can order flags and stickers for garages. Dealers who are allowed to order marketing materials from both brands can choose directly on the start page whether they want to book something for Driver or for Pirelli Portal and are then taken to the respective pages with individual interfaces and content. 
With more than ten connected service providers and around 1,000 users, Pirelli and Driver have already successfully launched more efficient local marketing and plan to expand the use of the Local Marketing Platform. We are already looking forward to the planning and implementation of all following projects and to further cooperation.


[Translate to eng:] Carolin Klein
Carolin Klein

Marketing Managerin

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