Successful marketing with a marketing shop

In today's competitive advertising world, effective cross-media marketing is usually the key to success. Companies with a dealer or sales partner network in particular face the challenge of carrying out targeted and standardised local marketing. It is essential for them to represent their own brand and at the same time make their local sales partners visible in order to stand out from the competition. A marketing shop offers the perfect solution here to fulfil all the marketing needs of your sales partners and brand and enable simple local marketing. 

What is a marketing shop? 

A marketing shop is a specialized shop that offers a wide range of products and marketing services: From classic advertising materials such as flyers and business cards to the creation of landing pages or the booking of Google adverts. A marketing shop covers all aspects of cross-media marketing. It is designed to support companies and their sales partners and implement their marketing strategies efficiently and cost-effectively. 
By using editable templates and the often seamless integration of external service providers and software solutions, the workflow can be optimised and smooth collaboration guaranteed. 

What advantages does a marketing shop offer?

1. Selection of products  

A professionally organised marketing shop offers everything that companies need for their local marketing campaigns. This includes a wide range of print products such as flyers, brochures or catalogues, but also digital advertising measures such as social media content, digital advertisements or digital out-of-home marketing. The marketing shop combines all forms of advertising used by your retailers or sales partners by giving them access to a wide range of information and templates. In addition, cross-media campaign packages can be put together thanks to the wide range of products on offer, allowing you to reach a broad target group.

2. Quality and reliability 

The marketing shop ensures that the marketing measures, products and all campaigns produced are equipped with the right content and information and that the corporate design and brand quality are maintained despite local customisation. By providing central media databases and ready-made templates in the shop, it is possible to standardise the content and, above all, the visual language of your marketing materials, whether videos, images, landing pages or Google ads. Pre-defined packages (e.g. for booking social media adverts) ensure that every marketing measure meets your company's high quality standards and that your dealers and sales partners have access to up-to-date and correct marketing materials at all times. This ensures a uniform corporate image, which can strengthen brand awareness in the long term.

3. Cost efficiency and time savings 

As a central point of contact, such a shop offers various products and services to fulfil the marketing requirements of your company. By using the aforementioned templates, approval loops can be significantly reduced or even completely eliminated. This significantly reduces the need for questions and approvals to the head office and your sales partners can start creating content straight away without having to request further information. In addition, even dealers or sales partners without in-depth marketing expertise can create high-quality materials using editable templates and use packages to book complex marketing measures such as adverts or out-of-home products. This not only saves time and arrangements in the booking process, but also relieves the marketing centre and gives it more time and resources for planning and conception.

What is the structure of a marketing shop?  

A well-structured marketing shop offers your company a central platform for the efficient creation and management of information and marketing materials. Your sales partners can log in to the login area with their e-mail address at any time and start working directly in their own account. The centrepiece here is a shop system with all the advertising measures and campaigns provided. In addition, many shops contain a classic media database and offer interfaces to other systems such as PIMs, external DAMs and the connection of service providers (e.g. print shops, fulfilment) for a smooth processing and ordering process.  

The shop enables you and your sales partners to implement your local marketing strategy effectively by creating individualised, local marketing materials easily and cost-effectively. This allows you to address your local target groups in the best possible way and increase the visibility of your partners in the long term.  If you have any further questions or require more information on the use and the numerous possibilities that a marketing shop can offer you, please feel free to contact us at any time.  

Sophia Moebs

Marketing Managerin

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