Knowledge sharing & networking: the new Local Brand X Community Center for our customers

At Local Brand X, we have always attached great importance to personal cooperation and open communication with our customers. That's why we are all the more pleased to introduce our new Community Center today, which offers a central communication platform for all topics relating to the Local Marketing Platform and sales partner marketing.  

Here, our customers can quickly and easily find the right contact person for their questions, exchange ideas with our topic experts in regular Q&A calls and benefit from the experience of other companies that use local marketing. Numerous online training courses and webinars help our customers to become more familiar with the Local Marketing Platform, enabling them to deepen their marketing knowledge and keep up to date at all times.

A central communication platform

1. regular support from our team of experts

Q&A calls on various areas of the Local Marketing Platform take place at regular intervals. Here, our customers have the opportunity to clarify questions about the individual modules and add-ons, specific advertising measures or the structure of the templates. As the Q&A calls are divided into different subject areas, our customers always reach the right contact person directly and questions can be answered in a targeted and efficient manner. The calls also provide an opportunity to exchange ideas with other customers and share experience reports.

2. always up-to-date: webinars and articles on the latest marketing content

Interesting articles on current marketing topics as well as helpful strategies and tips relating to sales partner marketing are published at regular intervals in the Community Center. Webinars are also held on individual marketing measures and technical updates to the Local Marketing Platform. Exciting topics await our customers in the near future, such as customization options for the Local Marketing Platform, the use of the customer journey in sales partner marketing or insights into the offers of various Local Brand X service partners.

3. networking and exchange with other companies

What challenges do other companies have with their sales partners? What marketing measures and campaigns are they already implementing? By exchanging ideas with other companies in the Community Center, our customers can help each other and gain new inspiration for their own marketing strategies from the experiences of other companies. New insights into sales partner marketing can be gained not only with companies from the same sector, but also across sectors.

4. independent learning through online training

Through targeted online training, our customers can expand their knowledge and that of their sales partners on a wide range of marketing strategies and topics relating to the Local Marketing Platform. The video courses are recorded by our experts on specific topics and can be watched individually and as often as required on the platform.

What our Community Manager Van Anh says about the Community Center

"I am very pleased to be able to manage the Community Center and am already excited to see how it will be received by our customers. I had a lot of fun setting up the platform and filling it with content. We hope that as many companies as possible will now register so that a valuable exchange can take place and many new insights can be gained for all users." 


Carolin Klein
Carolin Klein

Marketing Managerin

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