[Translate to eng:] Virtual Reality


Virtual Reality in Local Marketing: Use immersive marketing for the local target group

Topics such as virtual reality, augmented reality and 360 ° video marketing are currently all the rage in marketing. Nevertheless, these techniques are currently mainly used by large or international companies. But local sales partners can also benefit from the trends and use them for your direct customer contact. In this article you can see how this is possible and how you can make it available to your local partners.

Immersive marketing

With immersive marketing, you enable your customers to fully immerse themselves in the content of marketing. Advertising media such as image films or product presentations are designed so that users can concentrate fully on this content. They are shielded from the outside world and other environmental influences and thus gain a high degree of involvement in the content shown. Virtual reality suggests a physical immersion in the world shown. This physical address creates a feeling of closeness, which can be seen as the key to success.

For which industries is this relevant?

  • Consumer good
  • Insurance Banking
  • Franchise
  • Trade
  • Automobile
  • Travel
  • Gastronomy
  • Hotel
  • Business
  • Healthcare etc.

Advantages of immersive marketing and VR

  • Charms on different senses
  • Improve perception
  • Seclusion from external distractions
  • Interest through novelty emotionalisation
  • User-friendly handling
  • Experience products and services up close
  • Global uses

Virtual reality at the point of sale

One of the simplest possible uses is the use of virtual reality at the point of sale (POS). There is a direct exchange with the customers and the sales talk can be supported and expanded by using VR. It also offers the opportunity to make the POS more attractive and to attract more customers. Since VR technology is still one of the innovations in technology and the latest trends, customers will often come into contact with it for the first time. This leads to a certain curiosity and interest in the technology, whereby all information about the products and services is voluntarily received. In addition, it motivates prospective customers to stay longer at the POS and to talk to the sellers. In many cases, this transition from technology to content can lead to a promising sales pitch. In addition, virtual reality offers opportunities to emphasize the properties of products and services and to support the conversation. Here, the products can be made tangible and experienced up close. This is especially true for high-priced consumer goods such as in the automotive industry. These can be configured and tested virtually. This means that physical exhibits can be dispensed with more and more and the space of the POS can be minimized.

Virtual reality at trade fairs and events

The use of VR can attract special attention not only at the point of sale, but also at events such as trade fairs. This improves the attractiveness of the trade fair stand by enabling customers and other interested parties to interact with the products. This combines a factual explanation with a more emotionally charged one and simplifies approaching customers. In addition, a lot of content and variation can also be offered at smaller exhibition stands. The exhibition space will be digitally expanded, so to speak. As an additional highlight, it is possible to provide customers with simpler models of the VR glasses made of cardboard, which they can use in conjunction with their own smartphone to receive the content again at home. As with brochures and flyers, information is retained afterwards as a reminder and can be received sustainably.

Simon von Local Brand X
Simon Hofbauer

Head of Customer Success, Authorized Signatory

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