Local Brand X Resource Center - Page 16

Local Brand X

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Wann lohnt sich eine Local Marketing Plattform?
Wann lohnt sich eine Local Marketing Plattform?
15. March 2021
von Yannik Bockius
Targeted target group addressing with social media: social media targeting
Targeted target group addressing with social media: social media targeting
10. March 2021
von Yannik Bockius
Local Brand X in the IHK business magazine of the Rheinhessen region
Local Brand X in the IHK business magazine of the Rheinhessen region
05. March 2021
von Nisa Wielvers
Portal relaunch: Mecklenburgische Versicherung starts the new year more digitally
Portal relaunch: Mecklenburgische Versicherung starts the new year more digitally
24. February 2021
von Simon Hofbauer
Make local marketing more efficient and targeted with cooperative marketing
Make local marketing more efficient and targeted with cooperative marketing
10. February 2021
von Yannik Bockius
fitbox relies on Local Marketing Platform: How the franchise company automates its marketing processes
fitbox relies on Local Marketing Platform: How the franchise company automates its marketing processes
03. February 2021
von Nisa Wielvers
Make local marketing more efficient and targeted with cooperative marketing
Make local marketing more efficient and targeted with cooperative marketing
20. January 2021
von Yannik Bockius
Dealer support in marketing
Dealer support in marketing
04. January 2021
von Simon Hofbauer
Promote local marketing and support the partners with an advertising subsidy
Promote local marketing and support the partners with an advertising subsidy
16. December 2020
von Nisa Wielvers
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