Local Brand X Resource Center - Page 3

Local Brand X

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The new Community Center by Local Brand X
The new Community Center by Local Brand X
05. March 2024
von Carolin Klein
Local Brand X starts a strong partnership with Laudert
Local Brand X starts a strong partnership with Laudert
20. February 2024
von Carolin Klein
Successful dealer marketing: 5 tips for supporting local dealers
Successful dealer marketing: 5 tips for supporting local dealers
13. February 2024
von Carolin Klein
Efficient campaign management - how to help your sales partners run the right marketing campaigns
Efficient campaign management - how to help your sales partners run the right marketing campaigns
30. January 2024
von Carolin Klein
Interview with Co-Founder and Head of Engineering Joscha: Looking back on 6 years of Local Brand X
Interview with Co-Founder and Head of Engineering Joscha: Looking back on 6 years of Local Brand X
22. January 2024
von Carolin Klein
Branch Marketing - goals, strategies and challenges
Branch Marketing - goals, strategies and challenges
08. January 2024
von Carolin Klein
Local Brand X and offenblende: Book your individual and professional photography service directly via the Local Marketing Platform
Local Brand X and offenblende: Book your individual and professional photography service directly via the Local Marketing Platform
02. January 2024
von Carolin Klein
The power of numbers: Why marketing evaluations are indispensable in sales partner marketing
The power of numbers: Why marketing evaluations are indispensable in sales partner marketing
12. December 2023
von Carolin Klein
Fast and consistent local marketing for Concordia Versicherungs-Gesellschaft
Fast and consistent local marketing for Concordia Versicherungs-Gesellschaft
04. December 2023
von Carolin Klein
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