Your success with the Local Marketing Platform:
The customized customer service from Local Brand X

Our Customer Success Team supports you in all decisions and processes, from the onboarding phase and implementation through to ongoing advice and support.

Services and resources for our customers

Knowledge Center

In our Knowledge Center, you will find step-by-step instructions for important processes and learn, for example, how to create articles, manage users or award advertising subsidies in the Local Marketing Platform. In addition, we regularly inform you about the latest updates and changes to the platform and provide you with inspiration about available advertising materials and planned features in the system.

Community Center

The Local Brand X Community Center offers you a central communication platform for all topics relating to the Local Marketing Platform and collaboration with sales partners. Find the right contact person for your questions quickly and easily and exchange ideas with our topic experts in regular Q&A calls. Through the open exchange with other companies, you can also benefit from the marketing experience of others.

The path to using the Local Marketing Platform and
how we support you


In the onboarding phase, we use initial discussions and a detailed workshop to find out what challenges exist in your company and what wishes and requirements you have for the use of a software solution such as the Local Marketing Platform. In this phase, the main focus is on fundamental decisions such as layout, service provider and contact person as well as the further planning of future cooperation.
System Implementation
Once the basic system has been handed over, you can use the training materials in our Knowledge Center to prepare yourself ideally for using the Local Marketing Platform. In addition to self-study, we also offer additional online training and a community platform so that you can discuss your questions directly with our experts and exchange ideas with other companies. You will then start integrating the system into your day-to-day marketing activities.
Strategic Support
Once the system has been introduced, our Customer Success team will provide you with regular support. In order to provide you with the best possible support, we plan recurring Jour Fix meetings with all our customers to discuss the latest enhancements to the system. In addition, we offer a strategy and innovation meeting every six months where we inform you about changes in the system and look at your optimization potential.

What our customers say

We deliberately chose Local Brand X because we believe it is the best fit for us. We are more flexible than many other providers when it comes to implementing the modules and individual tools.

Stefan Stelthove

Marketing Specialist

With LBX, we have finally found the solution we have always dreamed of: a uniform marketing platform on which our almost 90 franchise partners can customize and order every conceivable advertising and marketing material according to their needs around the clock. And with a high degree of automation, which relieves our graphics department enormously.

Dr. Björn Schultheiss

CMO & Co-Founder

By using the Local Marketing Platform, we can save enormous amounts of time and money in the creation and production of marketing measures. In addition, we have a holistic overview of all orders from our company divisions.

Susanne Geyer

IT Project Manager