Advertising Communities:
Achieving more together

With the advertising communities add-on, you offer your partners the opportunity to join together with other partners to form an advertising community. By jointly advertising your product or services, partners can save time and money and reach a larger target group.

Functions and advantages of the advertising communities add-on

Local partners with supraregional reach

As a company and brand, do you work with many individual local partners? It could be interesting for these partners to join forces with other branches or locations to form an advertising community in order to achieve greater visibility and share the costs of advertising measures. By working together with other partners from the region, a significantly greater reach can be achieved through local customers and interested parties. This helps to achieve the joint advertising objectives and strengthen brand awareness.

Skilfully minimize costs and effort

The joint implementation of advertising campaigns not only creates a better sense of togetherness, but also makes advertising more cost-effective and time-saving. This is a great advantage, especially for "smaller" partners with a smaller marketing budget and staff. In addition, joint financing can also result in larger, cross-media campaigns, which would often not be feasible for individual advertisers. Especially if you have several partners in a city or region, it is advantageous to work together and strengthen cohesion.

Learning and benefiting from each other

Through the exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices between the individual partners of an advertising community, the partners can learn from each other and utilize the resulting synergy effects. Joint campaigns and the necessary exchange offer the opportunity to generate new ideas, support each other and possibly even develop long-term cooperations or partnerships. This can lead to an increase in competitiveness and business development.

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Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform

Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform?

In diesem Video erklären wir die Herausforderungen im Marketing mit Vertriebs- und Absatzpartnern und zeigen die Funktionen der Local Marketing Plattform.

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